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ED FRINGE REVIEW Birthday Girls, Sh!t Hot Party Legends


Last year's surprise highlight of the Fringe was watching Beattie Edmondson, Rose Johnson and Camille Ucan, aka Birthday Girls in a hot attic at the Pleasance.

That was a reprise of their 2014 show, Party Vibes, but this year they're back for the full run, with a brand new show Sh!t Hot Party Legends.

In July I caught up with them over breakfast for a chat about the show and what audiences can expect from their show this year and when they described it as "Silly. Chaotic. Fun-filled. Body-rocking. Nips-out!" I knew I had to make another trip up to that attic in Edinburgh.

It's not every Fringe show where you walk in and the act you're about to see are on stage, up on the seats having the time of their lives, dancing like it's 3am and handing out free shots. I say it's not "every" Fringe show... it has NEVER happened.

Another thing that rarely happens is that a title of a Fringe show actually makes sense when you watch the show, but with Birthday Girls they billed themselves as "Shit hot party legends" and they didn't disappoint.

The one downside? The party finished just before 11pm and just like last year I was left wanting. Of course that's a great thing, and I absolutely had a great time! Why choose to have a great night out or watch a great comedy show when Birthday Girls can offer you both?

These girls are genuine friends and it shows. They feed off of each others energy and each have their own quirks. Sometimes it's the weirdest sketches which work best, a philosophy it's clear Birthday Girls have certainly adopted.

One of my favourite sketches, was a returning sketch involving someone falling in love with their hair, marrying them and then watching them (we're still talking about the hair here) run away with another woman.

Then there's author turned YouTube sensation Ian Rankin, who now goes by the name of Ian Prankin because, yes you guessed it. He now does pranks on the internet... ill judged pranks sure. But pranks all the same.

Don't worry, I'm not going to describe every sketch in the show, but look out for an impression of Jamie Oliver which I have NEVER seen before, but want to see again. He needs a babysitter. That's all I'm saying.

There's a definite theme of night out running throughout the show. Each sketch is separated by a choreographed dance routine, some sketches involve a night out and Auntie Sharon's special dances feature heavily. I think it's best that I leave you to discover what they are for yourselves.

It's a well-known fact that younger people are watching less television, BBC Three has now moved online giving young people less of a reason to stick on the box in the corner of the room, but with jokes about Air BnB, Uber, YouTube, selfies and of course nights out and sex - Birthday Girls definitely fill a gap in the market for honest comedy that speaks to a young audience.

Yet here we are, a year on from my last review and still  these ladies haven't got their own TV show. They're smart, current and hilarious - unlike some comedy on television these days! I can't rave (see what I did there? No? Sorry) about these girls enough.

If you're in Edinburgh please go and see them and if you're not, then look out for any shows they might do up and down the country as this is one night out you won't forget in the morning.

Birthday Girls: Sh!t Hot Party Legends will be on at the Pleasance Courtyard until Sunday 28th August at 9:45pm


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