Can she help Sebastian win Krista back?

Krista is apprehensive over asking Fallon to be her bridesmaid, worried about causing upset after Fallon’s own wedding disaster. Sensitive to the situation, Leo suggests they do away with typical wedding party roles and Krista is grateful for his sacrifice.

Meanwhile, when Holly assumes that Fallon will be Krista’s bridesmaid, she lets slip that Aaron is going to be Leo’s best man, only for Fallon to learn that Aaron’s role ended up being nixed.
When Fallon broaches the topic with Leo, she’s touched to learn that it was his idea to cancel Aaron out of consideration for her. And his act of kindness fuels Fallon’s feelings as she becomes more and more smitten with her sister’s fiancé.
Later at Yorokobi, Leo literally gives the shirt off his own back to a groom in crisis and Fallon can’t help falling even harder for him.

When Taye catches Fallon in an adoring look at Leo, he's surprised when Fallon decides to be Krista’s bridesmaid after all. As Taye questions her intentions, Fallon reveals she’s arranging to meet with Sebastian and is prepared to make a deal with the devil.
Thrilled to have her sister by her side, Krista is unaware of Fallon's plans to stop the wedding.
When Fallon meets with Sebastian, he offers a sincere apology for the way he treated her, and the two exes agree not to tell Krista about their past relationship with Sebastian revealing to Fallon that he's determined to prove he's changed and wants another chance with Krista.
Krista is thrown when she receives a message from Sebastian wanting to see her and with her and Sebastian’s mutually beneficial plan at the fore, Fallon encourages a conflicted Krista to see him, arguing that Leo should trust her decisions.
However, when Krista tells Leo she’s interested in seeing how Sebastian is, Leo requests more time to think on it before admitting to Fallon that he’s worried about Sebastian’s motives. Playing devil on his shoulder, Fallon encourages Leo to read the letter Sebastian wrote Krista to find out where he stands.
After crossing the line, Leo confronts Krista over why Sebastian thinks their kiss wasn’t one-sided and why she still wants Sebastian in their life after the things he wrote about Leo. Krista, however, is stunned by Leo’s betrayal of her privacy and trust and walks away from him, while Fallon watches on smiling.

With Krista and Leo on shaky ground, trust issues are raised and Krista informs Leo she’s told Seb she won’t see him. But when Leo downloads to Aaron, Aaron comes away curious about Fallon’s part in the letter debacle and how she truly feels about Krista.
When Leo apologises to Krista, this latest upset casts a shadow over the Hucks party the couple are due to celebrate. With all of Ramsay Street embracing the double denim theme, Krista and Leo are determined not to let the fun of their impending wedding pass them by.
However, as the festivities reach their high, Krista senses Aaron is uneasy about something, and learns he’s unsure whether Fallon is truly happy for Krista.
Though confident Fallon is, Krista comes away from their discussion with a seed of doubt about her sister. Little does she know that Sebastian is back in town and after learning she won’t see him, he’s partying it up.
Confronting him, Fallon discovers his stint in rehab was wildly short-lived and urges Sebastian to get his act together and sober up, or he’ll blow his chance to win Krista over. Although Sebastian can’t be so easily tamed, he’s keeping an eye on Krista and Leo and biding his time.
Neighbours continues Mondays to Thursdays on Prime Video