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I TALK It’s Kevin

OK, first things first. Who's Kevin? The short answer is Kevin Eldon. The long answer? Well, those with a keen eye for comedy will already recognise him and be familiar with his work as he has appeared in Black BooksI'm Alan Partridge, Brass EyeStewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle and most recently, Sky Atlantic comedy Hunderby.

Aged 53, It's Kevin is Kevin Eldon's big moment in the limelight, and as the show's title suggests, it really is all about him. Except don't confuse this with a one man show, because it most certainly isn't.

Kevin has used those years he spent grafting wisely and has drafted in some great comedy talent for the series. In amongst a brilliant supporting cast, there's cameos from Bill Bailey (Black Books), Paul Putner (Little Britain), Martin Trenaman (PhoneShop), Liza Tarbuck, Julia Davis (Nighty Night), Stewart Lee (Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle), Dan Skinner (Angelos Epithemiou) and Adam Buxton (The Adam and Joe Show).

So what can we expect from the show? Well, it's been a while since there's been a good BBC sketch show, think back to Little Britain and The Catherine Tate Show. The most recent example of a BBC sketch show that I can think of is Ruddy Hell It's Harry and Paul. So it feels the time is right for the BBC to introduce a new sketch show to viewers, It's Kevin, which debuts the week BBC Three introduce their latest sketch show, Lee Nelson's Well Funny People.

But It's Kevin is not like any of the sketch shows I've just mentioned. If I was to sum the show up in one word, it would have to be 'Surreal'. Why? Because Kevin's comedy is somewhat off the wall, and when many other comedians would stop, Eldon continues and pushes his creative ideas to their very limits, resulting in some very funny sketches.

However, It's Kevin isn't wacky for the sake of it as there's no doubting the great writing behind each sketch. I think this show will end up being a hit amongst comedy fans but for many will slip under the radar. Why? Because the BBC haven't promoted the show at all. I haven't seen a single trail on TV and it's somewhat hidden away in the Sunday night schedules.

The only reason I knew the show was about to air was because of the amount of support the show received on Twitter from comedy greats such as Richard Herring, Robert Popper, Peter Serafinowicz and Charlie Brooker amongst many many more, who each raved about the show and recommended we watch it and that this has been a very long time coming.

It's Kevin airs Sundays at 10:30pm on BBC Two


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