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Roxy comes clean to Susan after her return home is marred by insecurity in Neighbours

How will Karl react? And is he slipping into addiction?

 8-14 MARCH

Roxy’s initial excitement about Lachie’s surprise visit turns to dismay when she realises he has the wrong impression of their relationship.

After confessing to Terese that the reason why she jumped at the job at Eirini is that she’s feeling unfulfilled in Darwin, Terese counsels her to make it clear to Lachie that she’s off limits.

Taking her advice, Roxy is relieved when Lachie takes it well, unaware he’s sticking around in the hope that she’ll lead him and Carter to Max, just like she did last time.

Having returned home early, Susan is keen to resume her role at Eirini while Karl continues his recuperation, although he’s clearly oddly out of sorts. But Susan is thrown when Terese lists the mistakes she and Roxy had to deal with while she was away and that Susan apparently made before she left.

After checking, Susan is mortified when it’s confirmed she was responsible. Praying on her vulnerability, Roxy suggests that Susan may have made them because the job is too much for her.

With Susan stressed over her mistakes at work, Karl urges her to talk to Terese. Exposed by Aaron, Roxy’s guilt gets the better of her and she confesses to Susan, Karl and later Terese, admitting she’s the one behind Susan’s apparent incompetence.

Glad she owned up to it, Susan tells Karl there’s no excuse for dishonesty, a comment that makes him a little uneasy.

Later, Karl apologises to Susan for taking her away from work for so long because of his accident, but Susan reassures him, saying she’s just glad he’s on the mend.

When her back is turned, Karl sneakily pops a few pain pills. What is going on?

In Harold’s, Karl approaches Remi, asking for a new prescription for his painkillers. Obliging, Remi notes the strong dosage, but Karl has an excuse ready. And later, while supporting Toadie, Nell and Terese, Karl pops another pill. His dependence growing.

Neighbours continues Mondays to Thursdays on Prime Video



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